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The dream is not what you see in sleep, dream is the thing which does not let you sleep

True love  always doesn't have a happy ending, because true love never ends. Letting go is one way of saying I love you


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Protector become Violator of Human Rights

Torture is a very common behavior in Indian Police. In fact it is common enough not to be flashed unless it happens in broad daylight. ( instead of that India had signed the UN Convention against Torture, even in the implementation of law inside the country)
A few months ago one incident of Bihar had captured whole countrie's attention.
A restless mob led by some policemen assaulting a petty thief in Nath Nagar in Bhagalpur,Bihar, shocked the entire country after it was shown on TV. To prove its commitment to good governance, the government (lead by Mr.Nitish Kumar) took immediate action and punished the two policemen involved in the incident.
But the Police Men Association and many senior police officers expressed their disgrace that the incident was a case of police torture and want the two dismissed policemen to be reengaged to their service. According to them those accused policemen tried their best to protect the thief but the crowd did not allow them to do so that is why they were compelled to act as per the crowd’s wish.
But initial outrage broadcasted by the TV news channels of the Bhagalpur incident has had little impact on the Bihar police. The cases of police torture are increasing day by day. This was just one of the cruel examples of misuse of power by the Police officials who are responsible for the law and order.
It is revealed from a study that mostly low level police and lower ranks police officials are engaged in such type of actions and it has also disclosed that the main purposes of police torture is to acquire information from suspects and to punish the accused to teach them a lesson for future. These types of cases are often happened for promotion in service, to get a reward and sometimes is also under the political pressures.
Our society is also responsible in similar way for this type of incidents of police torture. It can be said that our society has become more rude and violent and demands instant justice. The majority of the people irrespective of the social and economical status support police torture and also violates human rights. In such kind of of society, the police alone cannot be blamed for such incidents.
Police torture is one of the nude scenario of human rights violation. The Constitution of India assures the right to life, equality, liberty and dignity of individual and the States have to protect these rights.
To change this situation every individuals must have to possess the respect for human rights within the community and society as well. Only then l Government will be able to create a transparent administration and to protect the human rights for people from every sphere of .society.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

An Economic Overview of Hooghly District

Hooghly is specially known as an economically developed district in the state. By exploiting the modern technology to its fullest the district in recent times witness the burgeoning growth of industry and agriculture.
About 70% of the population derives their living from the agriculture and therefore Hooghly holds one of the remarkable positions in the arena of agriculture. The continuous increase of pressure on the land, due to the industrial development, the agricultural families became the victims of loosing the land. The farmers therefore are engaged in the cultivation of the major crops making the fullest utilization of the available land and the natural resources. Though rice is the principal crop, it only supplies the local need of the district.
The agriculture economy of Hooghly mainly depends on the cultivation of the crops like jute, potato, and vegetables. Orchard plantation holds a prominent position in the economy of the district. Jute is however prominent among the cash crops. After independence the major area cultivating jute falls under the area of Bangladesh. However in West Bengal, it was only Hooghly where the jute cultivation makes a progressive advancement. Hooghly is the hub of the jute trade in West Bengal and even in India.
Vegetable is the primary crop in the blocks of Haripal, Singur, Chanditala Polba and Dhaniakhali. The vegetables are grown here in the relay system throughout the year. Potato, though cultivated in the district, much of its output are used for the domestic purpose.. Therefore the domestic economy is completely served by the products produced locally.
However, in the recent years the agricultural scenario of Hooghly has undergone an effective change. The response of the tenant farmers to the upcoming market of Kolkata has made this region a field of diversified commercial agriculture. By adopting scientific measures seizable amount of unutilized land has been brought under cultivation. Those lands incapable of producing rice are used for the orchard plantation, which constitutes a major part of export. With the instrument of "Land Development agenda", the government has been initiating plans by which the intensity of the used land is increased and the increasing use of scientific technology, thereby supplementing the agriculture growth. The utilization of the modern expertise augments the agriculture growth, thereby serving the economy.
Hooghly was once the industrial hub of Bengal. Presently, though it does not have the past glory, yet, it surely shares a significant position in the industrial panorama of West Bengal. Due to its advantage of raw materials, skilled laborers, easy finance, power and having proximity to Kolkata, Hooghly is becoming the key site for the entrepreneurs to set up industries. Hooghly is becoming the principal center for the large, medium and the small-scale industries.

There had been a rapid expansion in the jute industry in India around the wide belt of the Hugli.. Jute industry and Hooghly was almost inseparable from each other and the largest export of the jute goods in India are made from Hooghly.

However, with the decreasing demand of the jute products, the engineering industries have crept over the industrial scenario of the district. "Hind Motor" is the famous automobile industry of the district, which supplies maximum of the automobile parts in Bengal. Major heavy industries are springing up in the region, which at the same time supporting the domestic purpose also export the surplus, thereby supporting the country`s economy.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chauvinism Vs Liberty of Speech

One of the burning issue of the Country today is the conflict between Mr.Shahrukh Khan and Shiv Sena.
Shiv Sena is known as one of the Hindu Extremist Groups and political associates of Bharatiya Janata Party. Shiv Sena’s activities are mainly restricted in Maharashtra and especially in Mumbai and some other states in the country. In past we have noticed that this group had tried to humiliate in various way to prove their existence in country.
Shiv Sena’s view against Pakistan is well known to the people of our country but it hurts me when I see that they are trying to humiliate the sports relation among the two countries. It is considered in both the Countries that Cricket is a bridge of connection and which can be the foundation of peace.
It is well admitted that we are in war with Pakistan since 1947 sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly which can be termed as Shadow or cold war. For the last 20 years we are facing various terrorist Activities in the various regions of our country . Maharashtra especially Mumbai (Economic Capital of India) has suffered a lot due to these sorts of activities in various times. This is already proved that almost all these terrorist activities are planned and organized in Pakistan with the help of Pakistani Secret Agency ISI.
Even almost all the countries in World have admitted the same thing. But Indian Govt. is still trying to pacify the situation by negotiating and continuing the discussion. Two Countries can definitely have political problems but that should not affect the Cultural and Sports relation between them. These are important medium of peace. But unfortunately some situations and Govt. Foreign Policy influenced the Sports sector and the recent addition has been seen in IPL 3rd Session for Pakistani Players.
Being a Resident of an democratic Country every one of us have the right to express our Views against any decision of the Govt. or any other bodies of the country. Shiv Sena had came down heavily on Shah Rukh Khan, the co-owner of Kolkata Knight Riders, an IPL franchise, after he favoured inclusion of Pakistani cricketers for the tournament's third season. Even Senas are continuing their agitation and opposing the release of his latest Movie “My Name is Khan”. They have threatened the Theater Owners not to show this Movie at their theaters.
The good thing is after all the attempts of Shiv Sena has become in vain. After being released on 12.02.10 this movie has already dominated its position in the Flim history in country and overseas.
Sources said that this Movie has already earned a good business in abroad within a couple of days of its release and even this has come to know that one Ticket of this Movie’s opening show in abroad was sold at US $ 50,000. Irrespective of social status this movie has already created a deep impact among its viewers.
But this discussion is not aimed to focus neither on Commercial success nor on its growing popularity. We would like to emphasis on the Story behind the scene which is connected directly with Mr.Shahrukh Khan the main actor and patronizer of this Movie. Mr.Khan has already apologized if his words or any comments hurts the sentiments of any one. It is his greatness that he has apologized but when these People or Provincial Parties like Shiv Sena would learn that the way they opposing Shahrukh is not the proper way. Violence is not the way of establishing any views.